Sunday, May 31, 2009

Someone likes watermelon...

This was just hilarious. Cade could not get enough of the watermelon we had the other day.... not even choking would stop him from his beloved watermelon.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Roots of Empathy Celebration

As many of you know, Cade and I have been participating in the Roots of Empathy Program. In short, this is a Canadian program that is proven to reduce aggression and increase emotional intelligence, empathy and compassion in children. We are lucky enough to be a part of the United States pilot program, so we are a part of a small group of mothers and children in the Seattle area to participate. Yesterday was the Mother & Child celebration and it was so fun! All the mothers and children, facilitators, teachers, and principals were there, as well as the news.
Well, needless to say, Cade had a GREAT time. Here are just a few videos from our time there....

As you can tell from that video, he's still nursing ;)

Like I said, the news was there and they put together a pretty nice story about the program. Here is the link:

There are many more videos from the celebration but in order to get something up on the blog, I will just post these two for now!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

At Nick's Comedy Club...

I have NEVER heard Cade laugh as hard as he was today with Nick. I only wish I could have captured the whole thing because it was going on for a long time before I could find the video camera. Always leave it to Nick to make someone laugh, one of the many things I love about him :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Going for a ride...

This is so funny. The toy that he is riding on is actually a walker but he went for a ride instead. I think that the best part of the video is how is looking at nick... just mesmerized! I love it!

The Proposal...

This video was taken before we left for the Vashon Ferry. As you can tell, Doug was being very subtle about the whole thing! HA. We thought for sure that he got caught!

Here's the proposal! Please excuse the shaking camera, I was crying, go figure! Congratulations to Mr. and Soon-to-be Mrs. Higgs!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Cade's first Mariners game...

Cade, Tyra, and I adventured down to Safeco Field for Cade's first Mariners game! We played Detroit and didn't make it long enough to know if we won or not! Regardless, we had a great time! Thanks for your help Tyra! Here are a few photos:



Sleeping baby...

I couldn't help but record him taking his nap on this day. He had been sleeping so long, I figured I should go and check in on him. And this is what I found. He looked so peaceful but in such an uncomfortable postition. Turns out, this is his favorite way to sleep recently. Whatever works!!!

PS. There is no audio, so you are NOT going crazy :)

Cade running...

This is just too funny... Cade has figured out how to run (with a little assistance). I think it's so funny because he looks like an Olympic athlete in slow-motion.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Another one?

Well, Cade has been a very busy boy this week. Aside from going to the zoo for the first time, crawling and climbing all over the house, and getting back on Pacific Standard Time, he cut his second tooth already! Two teeth in one week, poor guy! No wonder he hasn't been sleeping!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A couple videos from Hawaii...

This is the most darling video. He is trying so hard to hold hands with himself in the mirror. I just love this!

This is a video from our ride on the Sugar Cane Train. We loved riding this as kids in Maui. It's an old-school train on wooden rails that transports people from Kaanapali to Lahaina. Kids just love it and of course, we had to share that experience with Cade. Here is Cade's first ride on the Sugar Cane Train!

A few Hawaii photos...

Here are a few highlights from our trip... there are many more but they are on Col's computer.

Our first day in Maui, didn't even make it to the pool yet.

Cade and I soaking up the sun!

Waking up from a VERY long nap. Can you tell?
Cade and I at the wedding, gorgeous setting... so gorgeous in fact, even whales were playing behind us!

Isn't he cute?

Enjoying the rose petals, my version of artistic :)

Cade and I at the beach for his first time. Not too sure what to think...


Hey all! Just a quick update on the wee babe. He got his FIRST TOOTH! It's on the bottom front left... Iwill update the blog with the photo when it becomes more visible. I can sure feel it though!
The funniest part is that I noticed it just as we were about to board the red-eye flight home from Maui! He's really growing up!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Someone didn't want to go to bed...

I just love this video! First of all, he just refused to go to sleep after his bath this night. To top that off, he was so full of energy that we couldn't even get a diaper on him. My very favorite part of this video is his new crawl, you just have to watch it to enjoy it. Cade may not enjoy this video much when he is older though...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Check it out....

Here he his demonstrating his new skill!!! Watch and enjoy. He is getting big... and FAST.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Having a ball at dinner with Grandpa Denny....

Here is Cade having a blast with Grandpa Denny at dinner... Sort of long FYI!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Talking and eating his toes...

Teething much?!

Background information: His shirt was changed not long before these photos were taken. Now, he has always been quite the drooler but has really upped the ante in the past week. He is still darling and even more endearing with his drool stained shirts!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Beautiful baby on a beautiful day!

It is a beautiful day here in Seattle; unseasonably warm and not a cloud in the sky. Cade and I took advantage of our lawn here at home and enjoyed the day. He couldn't help but soak in all the Vitamin D that he could...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wearing Daddy's Hat...

Cade just thought that it was absolutely hilarious that Nick kept putting his own hat on Cade's head. Not able to grab the camera quickly enough, I snapped these photos after most of the excitement ended but he still was looking so adorable!
As I keep looking back at these photos, I find myself seeing what he will look like when he is a big kid. You can just flash forward and see what he will look like when he is older. That sort of makes me realize that he's going to grow up so quickly and that I need to treasure every single minute we spend with him; the good and the bad (aka sleepless nights!).

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tired Boy...

It appears that Cade's exciting day at the doctor's office took everything he had out of him. Here he is at dinner; he was so tired that he rested his head on one side of his seat the entire meal. He never once lifted his head, not even to take a drink out of his cup. Poor pathetic little baby...
Side note: he did perk up when it was time for a bath though :)

He wants his cup but is much too tired to even really reach for it...

6 Month Check up!

Today was Cade's 6 month check up with Dr. Quinn. He now weighs 17 lbs. 13 ounces, which puts him in the 50th percentile for his age. He is 26 1/4 inches long which is just below the 50th percentile. In my blogging past, I had failed to mention his head circumference thinking it wasn't really that interesting but today we got a surprise. First, a little background on his head growth: at 2 months his head was in the 50th percentile, at 4 months it was in the 75th percentile, and today, at his 6 month check up his head circumference was in the 90th percentile! Looks like our little man has a big brain in there!!!
It sort of hit me today at his appointment that he is growing up... and FAST. Not only was it is 6 month check up today but at his appointment he used his last baby diaper. Sounds small and silly but it made me a little sad... soon he won't be in diapers, he'll be crawling, then walking and before we know it he'll be driving. I was talking with the doctor about how time flies and I believe he said it best when he said, "The days are long but the years are fast.".

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy 1/2 Birthday Cade!

Wow, time flies when you are having fun!!! Cade is officially 6 months old today. We celebrated by going to the park for the first time and taking a ride on the swings. He just sat back relaxed and PEOPLE WATCHED. That was his favorite part of the park experience, watching all the children play around him. Regardless, he had a fun time relaxing in the swing.

Isn't he big?!
Just haning out...

Now, I really debated adding these photos to the blog. I didn't want to get Cade in trouble already with his dad but...
Cade decided to try and take my car for a joy ride today, as he was feeling so big and manly due to his 1/2 birthday.
BUSTED... Doesn't he just look like he has been doing something he shouldn't have?!

He thought it was pretty funny to get caught in the act....

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cade meets Edgar (not Martinez, the cat)...

For those of you who don't know, Edgar the cat, is a family relic. The story of how she became a part of our family is a little questionable, so we will leave it at that. What you should know is that Edgar is a girl. Alex named her after one of his all-time favorite Mariners players, Edgar Martinez. What he failed to realize (along with everyone else) is that Edgar was a girl, not a boy. She had (and continues to have) a fat pouch that nearly drags on the ground everywhere she walks which I believe Alex thought was her (his) genitalia. Regardless, we went on believing Edgar was a boy until we took him to the vet and learned she really was a girl. And that is the story of Edgar.
Now, Edgar is a bit of an adventurer. She made her way down to our house last night and ended up meeting Cade just before bedtime. Cade LOVED her. I don't know what he thought was cooler... the cat or her tail. This video is evidence of his excitement for her. Enjoy.


Well, Grandma and Grandpa Strand returned from a short little jaunt to San Diego with gifts for Cade in tow! Amongst the cool items were a pair of shark sunglasses! He just loved having them on and looking at himself in the mirror! Of course, we enjoyed a good chuckle at his cuteness too!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cade talking...

This is one of those videos that you will appreciate if you are able to catch all the subtleties. Keep your eye of for them. I like this video for one because he has a fun manchu made of sweet potato! But mostly, I enjoy this video because there is a point when he seems to be talking with such conviction that you can't help but listen to the point he is trying to make!

Cade feeds himself... sort of :)

This video is deliciously (pun intended) cute... as Cade is learning how to use a spoon! It is worth it to watch the whole video as the last five or so seconds pack a real punch. HA. Our little man is getting so big!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Another proud moment... Cade is able to stand by himself (while holding on to something)!!! He even gets adventurous and let's go with one hand, what a daredevil!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Daddy is SO funny....

Nick can always get a laugh out of Cade...Isn't this precious?

Who is this guy???

Well, for as long as I can remember Cade has been a BIG fan of Elmo. He really enjoys the Elmo Live he got for Christmas from Dennis and Michelle. The funniest thing is that you can tell he is really trying to figure Elmo out... Elmo is just about the same size as Cade, so you can imagine how confusing that probably is for him!

Laying the foundation....

Hey everyone... I realized that we haven't posted a video of Cade's physical development in a while. Cade has been spending a lot of time on his tummy but not really knowing how to move from there, besides rolling. Well, on this particular morning, Cade figured out how to get his knees under him (very important first steps to learning to crawl!). So, here he is; laying his foundation.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Roots of Empathy classroom visit

Cade and I returned to the Kindergarten class today as a part of our ongoing family educator experience in the Roots of Empathy program. Today the discussion revolved around how Cade has changed but the main focus was on sleep.

Here is a video of Cade playing with a sock that has a ladybug rattle on it. Last visit (about 5 weeks ago) he wasn't interested in this rattle at all. This time he was trying to play with it!

As a part of the sleep discussion, the children wanted to sing Cade a lullaby and see how he reacted.

Can you tell how excited he was to be there and see all his friends??!!!

Butternut Squash... YUM

Well, adventures in solid foods continues with the introduction of.... BUTTERNUT SQUASH! Here is the intial taste test:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cade tries peas... and likes them!

The adventures in solid foods continue with the introduction of... PEAS! The last thing he tried was pears and he loved them, so decided to go for a vegetable and peas it was! He seemed to like the peas but only time will tell?!
Who can resist a baby with green mush all over his face?!

Friday, January 9, 2009

He's a reader!!!

Cade has really been enjoying all of the fabulous books that he received for Christmas. He not only likes to hear the stories but he likes to explore the books with his hands, mouth, and eyes! Here is our sweet boy reading Eric Carle's Ten Little Rubber Ducks. As an educator with an advanced degree in literacy, you can imagine how proud this makes me! He has even figured out how to turn the pages on his own!
Also, doesn't this little photo spread make you appreciate the glory of digital photography?! I could take pictures of him all day long :)
Please note: Excessive drooling present in all photos.