Sunday, May 31, 2009

Someone likes watermelon...

This was just hilarious. Cade could not get enough of the watermelon we had the other day.... not even choking would stop him from his beloved watermelon.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Roots of Empathy Celebration

As many of you know, Cade and I have been participating in the Roots of Empathy Program. In short, this is a Canadian program that is proven to reduce aggression and increase emotional intelligence, empathy and compassion in children. We are lucky enough to be a part of the United States pilot program, so we are a part of a small group of mothers and children in the Seattle area to participate. Yesterday was the Mother & Child celebration and it was so fun! All the mothers and children, facilitators, teachers, and principals were there, as well as the news.
Well, needless to say, Cade had a GREAT time. Here are just a few videos from our time there....

As you can tell from that video, he's still nursing ;)

Like I said, the news was there and they put together a pretty nice story about the program. Here is the link:

There are many more videos from the celebration but in order to get something up on the blog, I will just post these two for now!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

At Nick's Comedy Club...

I have NEVER heard Cade laugh as hard as he was today with Nick. I only wish I could have captured the whole thing because it was going on for a long time before I could find the video camera. Always leave it to Nick to make someone laugh, one of the many things I love about him :)