Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Tree adventuring...

As per our family tradition... we headed out to the wilderness (re: Christmas Tree farm) to cut down our very own Christmas tree. Chris and Col joined in the adventure. Cade even got to go on a wild ride with Col driving (ie. in the baby carrier). It was very fun and we ended up with a perfect tree for Cade's first Christmas!!!
Nick, Col, and Cade standing in front of one tree choice... this is the recession tree. Bare and no need to spend money on decorations. Needless to say, we kept looking!
Kirty, Cade, and the Mag...
Me and my cold baby boy...

The love of my life...

I love these boys...

Nick holding the trees on the back of the car...

This picture was taken just before the video... Nick carrying our tree.

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