Today was Cade's 6 month check up with Dr. Quinn. He now weighs 17 lbs. 13 ounces, which puts him in the 50th percentile for his age. He is 26 1/4 inches long which is just below the 50th percentile. In my blogging past, I had failed to mention his head circumference thinking it wasn't really that interesting but today we got a surprise. First, a little background on his head growth: at 2 months his head was in the 50th percentile, at 4 months it was in the 75th percentile, and today, at his 6 month check up his head circumference was in the 90th percentile! Looks like our little man has a big brain in there!!!
It sort of hit me today at his appointment that he is growing up... and FAST. Not only was it is 6 month check up today but at his appointment he used his last baby diaper. Sounds small and silly but it made me a little sad... soon he won't be in diapers, he'll be crawling, then walking and before we know it he'll be driving. I was talking with the doctor about how time flies and I believe he said it best when he said, "The days are long but the years are fast.".
That's a sweet message, and from a proud Uncle I must say, to never forget the credit you and Nick deserve for making such a healthy young man. It's because of both you and Nick's kind hearts that makes Cade the person he is today, and most importantly, the person he will be tomorrow when he crawls, talks, walks, and drives! You guys are amazing parents!! Love you both!
Uncle D Higgs
Kirty, it is so true that you see how quickly time goes by with having a little one. Cade is just so sweet. Healthy and happy, that's all that matters. Of course, he is pretty stinking cute too!
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